by Leslie Rothman
With a focus on viewing all candidates and new hires like valued potential customers, HR can dramatically improve their talent acquisition process and positively affect their company’s brand.
Company Brand – Do your HR practices enhance or detract?
As HR professionals we know that a company’s brand impacts an organization’s ability to attract sought after job candidates. The flip side of that is also true, an organization’s recruitment process and track record with candidates impacts the company’s brand as well.
A 2014 survey conducted by Nielsen for Ceridian’s annual The Pulse of Talent revealed;
- 44% of surveyed applicants indicate a negative recruiting experience made them less inclined to buy the company’s products and services
- 68% of respondents said that poor applicant communication has a negative impact on their overall impression of the company
Job Candidates publicize their Experiences!
In the same way that consumers are quick to publicize their views about a company’s products and services, social networking sites like Facebook and Glassdoor provide a very public voice to candidates and employees who share recruiting and employment experiences, which can positively or negatively impact an organization’s brand.
What can HR DO?
So what can HR do to ensure they bring in desired candidates and positively contribute to their company’s brand?
Differentiate your organization’s recruitment process by attending to critical candidate touch points. Take a hard look at how your organization handles the details of recruiting and on-boarding communication as it relates to;
- job announcements / postings
- candidate application / interview processes
- supervisor / new hire alignment
With additional insights and techniques, you will be able to critique and approach your talent acquisition and on-boarding processes in new ways, and boost your ability to attract and retain the talented people you are seeking to make your workforce exceptional. And while you’re doing it, you’ll be making a positive contribution to your organization’s brand.
“HR and Your Company Brand, do your Practices Enhance or Detract?” is a copyrighted publication of Career & Workplace Directions, LLC and cannot be copied or printed without express permission of Career & Workplace Directions, LLC.